The GET Method
- The GET method produces a long string that appears in your server logs, in the browser's Location: box.
- The GET method is restricted to send upto 1024 characters only.
- Never use GET method if you have password or other sensitive information to be sent to the server.
- GET can't be used to send binary data, like images or word documents, to the server.
- The data sent by GET method can be accessed using QUERY_STRING environment variable.
- The PHP provides $_GET associative array to access all the sent information using GET method.
Try out following example by putting the source code in test.php script.
if( $_GET["name"] || $_GET["age"] )
echo "Welcome ". $_GET['name']. "<br />";
echo "You are ". $_GET['age']. " years old.";
<form action="<?php $_PHP_SELF ?>" method="GET">
Name: <input type="text" name="name" />
Age: <input type="text" name="age" />
<input type="submit" />
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