goto Statement 

The goto statement is used to alter the normal sequence of a C program.

The switch statement is often faster than nested if...else (not always). Also, the syntax of switch statement is cleaner and easy to understand.

The syntax of goto Statement:

goto label;

... .. ...

... .. ...

... .. ...



The label is an identifier. When goto statement is encountered, control of the program jumps to label: and starts executing the code.

Example :

#include <stdio.h>

void main()


    int number;

    printf("Enter an integer number: ");



        goto end;

    printf("Number is : %d", number);


        printf("Bye Bye !!!");


First run:

        Enter an integer number: 123

        Number is : 123

        Bye Bye !!!

Second run:

        Enter an integer number: 0

        Bye Bye !!!

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