Write a Python program that accepts a word from the user and reverse it

Example 1:- 

word = input("Input a word to reverse: ")

for char in range(len(word) - 1, -1, -1):
  print(word[char], end="")

Input a word to reverse: word
Example 2:-
# Python code to reverse a string
# using loop

def reverse(word):
 str = ""
 for i in word:
    str = i + str
 return str

word=input("enter the string: ")

print ("The original string is : ",end="")
print (word)

print ("The reversed string(using loops) is : ",end="")
print (reverse(word))
enter the string: hello
The original string is : hello
The reversed string(using loops) is : olleh
Example 3:-

Python Program to Reverse Words in a Given String in Python

def rev_words(string):  
    words = string.split(' ') 
    rev = ' '.join(reversed(words)) 
    return rev
s=input("enter the string: ")
print ("reverse: ",rev_words(s))

enter the string: hello world
reverse:  world hello
Example 4:-

Reverse a String in Python

txt = "Hello World"[::-1]
dlroW olleH
How to reverse a string in Python?

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